Where to Start

Sit in your new garden area with your tea or coffee, lawn chair and your thoughts. Decide several things before you start. For instance, how big you would like to make your garden? Do you want paths through it or grassy areas? Is there a patio or deck to consider? In other words, sit in the area to figure out the size, shape, and location of your garden.
In addition, take into consideration is the type of plants you want to plant. Are they mostly shade or sun plants? Are they perennials or annuals? Do you want a perennial garden which doesn't need much watering? Perhaps, you like the bright colours of annuals and enjoy watering? In conclusion, pre planning is a must and will save you a lot of heartache later.
Shade or Sun in your New Garden

After that, check your local gardening maps to see what types of plants thrive best in your local climate.
Garden Design

Are you a person who likes organic design or more a more formal design. What shape would go best on your property? Do drawings to help figure out your design. Consult online or books on garden design. In conclusion, you will find there are specific rules to follow for your garden design.
Building Garden over Grass
Here is a great trick to cover grass without digging it up and having to get rid of it. Outline exactly where you want the garden. Use spray paint in a bright colour. Next, cover your lawn with newspaper of cardboard right out to the edge. I suggest doing this on a windless day. Make sure theat you overlap the paper or cardboard so no weeds can grow through. Once that is laid down, water the paper or cardboard thoroughly. In other words, make sure to soak the area.
Laying Down the Dirt
Once the paper or card board are thoroughly soaked it is time to add the earth. I use a combination of triple mix and compost. Cover the paper with about 2 feet of earth. Do this right to the edge of the garden. This will give enough depth for the plant roots.
How to Arrange my Plants
As you might expect there are simple rules to follow when planting. There is the odd number rule. Plant either, one, three or five of the same plants in a grouping. This is very soothing to the eye.
Gardens add intrinsic value
Landscaping around a home can add value to the home. In addition, they add value when doing a home evaluation. People look at the aesthics. In other words, landscaping and gardens can add the WOW factor to a home! This means more money.
In conclusion, landscaping can be done for fun or to create an impression.

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